
if you are making the gift yourself

He had heavy eyelids, prominent lips, and wore his short brown hair slicked back. He smoked cigarettes, typicallly wore a wide red necktie with a picture of a curvaceous woman in a bathing suit on it, and carried a thin metal strap that he would use to slap his subordinates' faces if they were disrespectful. Williams had suffered a brain injury during a gang war.

I was smoking a cigarette out of a long holder and there was a pita in the shape of a flamingo that the other kids were taking turns at whacking. My teenage partner in debauchery was arguing some point of theology with his rabbi and I overheard him say, "No, that is wrong, you are thinking of the FiftyFourth Mussorgsky, where good will fight evil in a big vat of cream," and I thought: Man, I am so out of here, this is crap. I finished my cigarette and left..

3. Cut Costs NOW: How much is the internet service you are paying for to read this article right now? Likely it is $30 or more. In my case, at this moment, I pay close to $200 for internet services to cover my house, my phone and a wireless card. haveathink  if it had no function, why are we born with it? If a boy feels that it is the right thing to do be circumcised due to family traditions, religion or any other reason, dont you think that it should be up to him as an adult to make the decision? Why should a parent be allowed to remove the foreskin from their infant son's body because "they" believe that it is the right thing to do? If the son strongly believes that being circumcised is the right thing to do basedon their beliefs they will do it. But after living with it for as many years as they have and realising all its benefits, would they? Shouldnt individuals all have a choice in what happens to their bodies? The gland is meant to be covered, we wouldnt have this piece of skin otherwise, do your research and see what the benefits of the foreskin are, they certainly outweigh that of being circumcised. There are cases where the foreskin can cause problems, but this is only in a handful of people.

You could also choose the fitted cloth nappies for your baby. These diapers have elastic about the legs in the child which allows the poop stay inside instead of escape through the sides. These elastics are comfortable and don't trigger rashes about the legs of the infants. After calling the Pediatrician and being advised to buy Beaudreaux Butt Paste or Flanders Diaper rash cream that didnt seem to work, I decided to fall back on Grandma remedy which I had used years earlier on my daughter: brown flour! Believe it or not it really works! Cornstarch is also great to alternate between changes but for a severe almost blistered rash you can put regular baking flour in a skillet and put on medium heat. Stir flour with a fork until it is golden to dark brown. Take from skillet and let cool and then apply to baby bottom just like cornstarch or powder (letting baby bottom air dry prior to application also helps any rash).


