
News! The Second Dev Diary of Diablo 3 Has Been Revealed

As we all know, Blizzard has made a great buy diablo 3 gold success in the publicity of its new game which is called Diablo III. Actually, we all saw the growth of it and we also love it. Since the release day is ensured in the 15th, May, all of us are looking forward to that day’s coming. But I do think we need to gain more knowledge about the Diablo 3 because we are eager to diablo 3 gold make better preparation about it before its release.

Filmed over a year ago, Blizzard has slowly been releasing snippets of a developer diary featuring Jay Wilson, Christian Lichtner, and Jason Regier. In the first part, the through Diablo 3 big guns talked of their hopes for the project, and their acceptance that a lot of the game might have to be overhauled before it could be released.

In this second video, the developers are three weeks away from completing the alpha version of Diablo 3. The alpha stage is very important in any game’s life cycle as this is what the developer’s first show to the investors and the three men are visibly excited and very nervous about the prospect or bringing the game into some sort of shape.

I’m going to through it out there; this is the first developer video I have ever seen where the developers are not constantly repeating how great the game is. These guys show genuine concern that the game may not live up to Guild Wars 2 Gold expectations, and that give me hope. I fully acknowledge that that is just my opinion, but these guys are so genuine. I can totally see them not releasing something until they are totally sure it is perfect.

It’s really exciting for us, right? Frankly speaking, all of you, including me are so encouraged by this dev diary because it makes me feel the power of Diablo 3 and it attracts me a lot. If you like me, also want to wow items know more news and information about the Diablo 3, please pay more attention to our website and we will try our best to offer the latest and hottest news of Diablo3 for you. Good luck!

Source: http://stomen.over-blog.com/article-the-good-aspects-of-world-of-warcraft-economics-103563024.html

