
Diablo 3 will break the 3.5 million of Sales

Diablo 3 beta testing is very successful. There are more than 300,000 of the online at the same time.
The testing phase of Diablo beta formally ended at 10:00 on 2012 April 23. The content of open beta is same as the closed beta version. The players can defeat the underground Skeleton King. Micah the Whipple of Blizzard Entertainment announced that there are more than 30 million online on for the Twitter Diablo 3 gold public beta. Diablo 3 will be on sale May 15. Blizzard has already done sufficient preparation.
For this situation, the media reports, an analyst called Bhatia who is work for investment bank Stern Agee said in a recent interview about Blizzard's Diablo 3 would sell 3.5 million units this year.
 He said : “I think the Diablo 3  which is the sequel game sold after 12 years, Activision Blizzard's stock price rose in a certain time and I remember the  Diablo II in the 14 months sales was sold over 4 million units. So I think this paragraph works outselling before sales is only a matter of time but I still think in the end of this year, from May 15 Diablo 3 will break the 3.5 million sales.
Blizzard previously announced the Diablo 3 real money trading system rules for the players. According to the operation, it shows that the Blizzard future will get the sales commission through three main ways according to the rules displayed from the player's real money and currency trading game .It will get the sales commission through $ 1 and the 15% of transaction volume two ways.

