
If you are quitting d3, you don't have to announce it here.

Believe it or not, Hello Kitty Online got my wife into Diablo 3.
She was never a gamer. 2 years ago when I was playing Starcraft 2, she would always say she wished there was a game she could play with me. But she said SC2 looked too fast and intense. We looked online and found HKO, so she played it, and I played with her too. Certainly not my kind of game, but I love my wife and supported her advent into computer gaming.
After that, she 'upgraded' to an MMO called 'Eden Eternal'. We played that one together for a half year or so. That one actually tickled my fancy a little bit more when it came to character optimization, etc, but still didn't do it right.
After that, she played League of Legends. She was a Garen button smasher, and after 6 months of that, she didn't really like how people would call her names for not being so skilled.
Then Diablo 3 came out. We've been playing it since together and have great fun. She's now very skilled with the mouse and keyboard and understand concepts like micromanagement of character movement and controls, and now it's no longer simply button mashing.
TLDR: Hello Kitty Online helped my wife get into computer games like Diablo 3

