
Baby Friendly Eco Friendly Diapers

It takes about 5,000 diapers before a baby grows up and gets old enough to be potty-trained. That's 5,000 more of non-biodegradable eternal trash that will be stuck in landfills and affect our health, our environment and maybe even our neighbors' underground water supply.
The use of normal inorganic diapers could cause us a lot of trouble and spending money for 5,000 diapers for our child can be really hurtful for our pockets. Of course you'd want nothing but the best for your baby but what if we say that there are other better alternatives for your baby's health? With the way the world is changing, a lot of people now are switching to all natural and organic lifestyles. From solar powered equipment to bamboo fabric, it's all au'naturel from here on end. And that includes eco friendly diapers. It's not only practical and inexpensive but it's also highly beneficial to our environment.
Eco friendly diapers are made from 100% cotton and other natural materials. This makes it 100% safe for your baby. It's perfect for the softest and most tender skin. Most eco friendly diapers are hypoallergenic diapers meaning they don't contain chemicals or plastic that can cause your baby allergies and rashes. What's most important is that it's comfortable, breathable and easy on the pocket.
Besides the practical benefits of eco friendly diapers, going green will always have corresponding environmental benefits too. Using eco friendly diapers have a massive impact on our planet and also on our society. The abusive use of chemicals to produce plastic for diapers and then the continual consumption of consumers to this item is an example of one of the factors why our planet is slowly deteriorating. The trash we create from disposing soiled diapers takes about 250-500 years before it properly decomposes. That's a lot of years for a lot of diapers. And while it's taking it's time decomposing, it has already affected the air we breathe, the plants and trees around it, and even the underground water gets intoxicated too. With the switch to eco friendly diapers, we can avoid the domino effect of disposable diapers.
There are a number of options to go green and provide the best for your baby. There different types of eco friendly diapers and one is the gDiaper. gDiapers are reusable hypoallergenic diapers with refills or inserts that are disposable. These refills are made out of wood fluff pulp and sodium polyacrylate for absorbing the waste. When it's full, you can easily dispose of the insert either by flushing, composting or flushing it down the toilet. gDiapers are immensely better than leaving the whole plastic diaper to rot at a landfill for years.
We know you may be quite doubtful about switching and steering away from something you've known for years. But to actually say that eco friendly diapers are safe for the environment and our planet automatically makes it 101% safe for little humans too. By taking away the chemicals that create harmful toxins and effects on living organisms makes eco friendly diapers your safest bet for the healthiest baby.

Read More: http://www.magnoliavoice.com/forum/topic.php?id=6502

