
Guild Wars 2 Utility Warrior

Select repair. It has a very short cooldown and removes a condition. Healing surge gives you a boost of Guild Wars 2 Gold adrenaline, but is not worth the 10 seconds of recharge supplement. Seal of healing cure a little more that two other heals and gives passive regeneration but these benefits are not worth the wait.
Jurisdiction of elite
Seal of Rage: 120 s CD passive: adrenaline grants. Assets: the fury of the gain, power, and speed.Rampage CD 180 s. Take the form of a massive Mastodon.Battle standard 180 s CD. Place a banner of battle as the buffs and revive fallen allies.
Seal of Rage for the game solo, or even structured PvP where you won't be always trying to keep or maintain a base.
If your role is to hold structured cooperation bases, then you are better off with Rampage because there a lot of capabilities that can knock enemies off / away from the points of capture.
Battle etendard is also nice if you expect, you engage in the fighting of the team may not be instantly revive fallen allies. Utility skills Warrior. Load Bulls: Charges to fall the enemy for 2 seconds. 40 CD.Frenzy: Damage critical improvements and speed. 60 CD. Resistance to pain: take 0 damage received for 5 seconds. CD 90 Or...Installation of balance: stability of subsidies. 40 CD.
Why do I use these utilities:
Bulls is an essential gap - plus and a shock effect 2 seconds that could interrupt is the goal to throw something or implement an opportunity for rapid burst. For most situations Frenzy is extremely useful and can double or even triple your damage for 4 seconds on a 60 second cooldown time, valuable in the damage / crit base built.
With resistance to pain, you can reduce one ton of burst into zero if at the right time, it is a very beneficial ability to survive Buy GW2 Gold and the prevention of rafale. Installation of balance is stability shorter recharge time, which means if you were in the position to do a lot of damage and you do not want to be dizzy or reversed to counter your positioning, you can use installation of balance and be safe.

