
Should You Switch to Cloth Diapers For Your Baby.

As you have found this article you are looking into changing from disposable to reusable, cloth diapers and need some information to help you with your decision. If you want to let your baby be as comfortable as possible and have an impact on a major environmental issue you're in the right place!
It looks very much as if the days of disposable diapers is coming to an end. They've had a good run and have made a lot of people very rich but, on reflection, have caused a massive environmental problem and have not ever really been the best choice for our babies.
Today's cloth diapers are fitted in a similar way to disposables and there are many different styles available for different budgets and different applications. You can buy what are called "one size" but the name is a bit of a misnomer inasmuch as the diaper size is adjustable to fit different sized babies using, mainly, Velcro or a series of snaps.
Then there are "fitted" diapers that are supplied for newborns up to toddlers. There are also specials for heavy wetters and then more specials for potty training and such.
When buying cloth diapers you also need to buy cloth liners that will take the majority of the soiling and result in a longer life for the diaper itself.
One of the main advantages of cloth diapers is that they are are much more comfortable for your baby with less chaffing and reduced chances of diaper rash. Many suppliers offer natural diapering products, many of which are organic and pesticide / chemical free. These are not the kind of products you will find in big box retail stores. Many of these are products designed by parents for parents.
Many of my friends have already changed over to non-disposable diapers and seem extremely happy with their decision. They admit that it means a little more work but feel that the advantages of using cloth diapers far outweighs that.
The other main advantages of using cloth diapers are:
1. They are no longer old style rectangular sheet and pins. Today's best use snaps, velcro and fleece which will stay dry against your baby's delicate skin.
2. The use of cloth diapers can save an average family more than $2000 over using disposable diapers.
3. Reusable diapers don't have to go in a landfill. Disposable diapers do and also take a very long time to decompose whilst putting untreated human waste
into landfills.
4. Some specific natural Cloth diapers are known to greatly reduce diaper rashes.
5. Many Suppliers offer diapers with volume pricing - so the more you buy the more you save!

Read More: http://zengyanwei123.tumblr.com/post/30072266621/looking-after-your-current-gauze-diapers-a-new-how-to

