
Ruffian Wolf mage solo big pineapple customs clearance interpretation

I practice the mage all night to a night at level 30, basically SOLO words level 30 went to big pineapple before, the big move, but big recruit

Not much use. At present DPS close to 500 don't know what level--

Video uploaded successfully may not so fast, you need to wait for super clear optimal cool turn code, this time do only 10 minutes of big fight, pineapple material I recording whole, in the past few days I grab the purgatory mode. Finished I'll make a full of http://www.buyd3item.com/ natural son with vocational skills match commentary, the mage AOE small strange, a word, great. Really cool, especially change the consul behind

Gamma rays, is really fangyuan inside human and livestock ghost crab all smoke ah, and also very hard, ASHLEY BUG.

What forging, jewelry, completely in the early years don't practice, BOSS off  http://www.buyd3item.com/items.html enough. My gold equipment are going to take it down.

Finally thank you gave me a lot of advice and opinions, I will continue to improve.

Source: http://guildwarsitems.netii.net/?p=13

